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curl is just the hobby

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Jan Gampe took things to the next level by actually making this cross-stitch out of the pattern I previously posted online. The flowers really gave it an extra level of charm I think.

This quote is from a comment by an upset user on my blog, replying to one of my previous articles about curl.

Fact check: while curl is my hobby, I also work on curl as a full-time job. It is a business and I serve and communicate with many customers on a daily basis. curl provides service to way more than a billion people. I claim that every human being on the planet that is Internet-connected uses devices or services every day that run curl.

The pattern

curl in San Francisco

Meanwhile, another “curl craft” seen in the wild recently is this ad in San Francisco (photo by diego).

The full command line looks like:

curl --request PUT \
--url https://api.stytch.com/v1/b2b/organizations/{ID} \
-d '{
"mfa_policy": "REQUIRED_FOR_ALL",
"mfa_methods": "RESTRICTED",
"allowed_mfa_methods": ["totp", "sms_otp"]

I would personally perhaps protest against the use of PUT for POSTing JSON, but nobody asked me.

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22 hours ago
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1 day ago
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Why is Windows 11 so got dang annoying?

The Microsoft logo on an orange background
Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge

A couple of weeks ago, I ran out of screen on the one external monitor my work-issued MacBook Air can run. So I switched to my five-year-old Windows desktop and plugged in another monitor. Love it. Productivity through the roof. But it means that I’m finally spending significant time in Windows 11, and gosh, is it janky.

There are some things that Windows does very well compared to macOS and Linux. All the games are there, for one thing, and Windows runs on all sorts of hardware without a lot of fiddling. You do not have to spend a thousand dollars minimum on a non-upgradable machine to use it. You also generally do not have to download a bunch of drivers or spend six hours in the command line hand-assembling the goddamn operating...

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1 day ago
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Ludicrous, brilliant hack: it runs Doom, converts each frame to ASCII art, then runs one process for each line of ASCII and sets each process to allocate enough memory such that sorting by M_VIRT will show the lines in the correct order. Then it updates the argv[0] for each process on every frame such that htop displays the state of the game.

Probably only works on Ubuntu.

From the FAQ: "Q: Why did you make this? A: I thought it would be funny."

Via @willmcgugan

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1 day ago
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Quoting Mihai Parparita


The blog post announcing the shutdown was done one day early. The idea was to take the opportunity of the new Pope being announced and Andy Rubin being replaced as head of Android, so that the [Google] Reader news may be drowned out. PR didn't apparently realize that the kinds of people that care about the other two events (especially the Pope) are not the same kind of people that care about Reader, so it didn't work.

Mihai Parparita

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2 days ago
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The ethics of advanced AI assistants

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The ethics of advanced AI assistants Exploring the promise and risks of a future with more capable AI

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3 days ago
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